
Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sausage and Biscuits

Have you ever heard the acronym DINK? It stands for Double Income, No Kids. However, for the time being, I am the sole provider. Aaron, my husband, has had the worst time finding a job since we've married. With horror, I realized that we are "One Income, No Kids", or OINKS!
Because of this, we have been living with Aaron's parents since the moment we stepped off the airplane from our honeymoon, July 4th 2004. I suppose I can't complain too much. We have food and shelter, we are safe and it's free. From most of the stories I heard others share about their inlaws, I would say I am very lucky that mine are not evil. However, I can't wait to move out so that I will feel like an adult.
Aaron and I do many chores as return for the favor of free rent. Last night, I was doing the dishes. In my perfect world, dishes are done right away. My dad always does them like this. We cook, he cleans. It's great! So, it very much frustrates me when dishes are left for days to grow their own food. It frustrates me that both Aaron and his dad are unemployed right now, but somehow do not have time to do the dishes. Even more frustrating is that Aaron's dad often has Aaron's mom make biscuits for him in the morning. Aaron's mom works graveyard shift with an hour drive each way. He should be cooking her breakfast!


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