
Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Apartment Hunt

Aaron and I have been apartment hunting for nearly three weeks now and have pretty much settled on a place. It's only 1 mile from work for me and I am totally planning to ride my bike to work if we end up living there. Right now it costs over $100 a month for my to drive back and forth to work (nearly $6 a day). Plus, we pay up to $300 for Aaron's parent's groceries as our "rent" now. That savings added up will pay for most of our rent.

Our only concern is that this is a low-income housing apartment complex and we seriously go over by $60 for the year including Aaron's drill pay. If we had submitted paperwork just one day earlier (if only we had known) we would have been making $1400 less a year and would have been clearly within the boundary. My annual raise came into effect July 1st. Anyway, the complex is still processing paperwork and we will know if things work out by next week. It's a brand new complex, so management is pretty busy with applications right now. Anyway, we have prayed about our selection and if this is meant to be, it will work out. I'll keep you posted.


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