The Endurance Course

Wednesday was my platoon's introduction to the Endurance Course. I was a little nervous about running it because the E-course at OCS was one of my biggest challenges. The TBS E-course is like the OCS E-course on steroids. It's nearly twice as long and includes rock climbing. I was the last in my platoon to finish Wednesday. I am determined to never let that happen again. So, Saturday a group from my platoon took on the course again. I did so much better. I plan to run this every weekend until we run it for time in January.

About 2 miles into the run.

Won't this be fun in January?

The wall.

One of half a dozen ropes. Mile three.

More ropes.

Success! I ran the 4.5 mile course in about 65 minutes. We did not run the Obstacle Course before starting the event, nor did we go through the water obstacles. I figure that will add ten to fifteen minutes to my time just by factoring in that they will wear me out. Females have 70 minutes to get max score on the course and 90 minutes to pass the course. Males have 60 minutes max and 80 minutes to pass.
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