My mother-in-law just returned from a two week visit to her sister's house. Apparently, things got a little wild there because she came back with "Made in Japan" stamped on her backside (she was born there). I'd show pictures, but Aaron is traumatized enough as it is.
Wha-a-a??!! Do you believe everything you are told? Or see? Why would you think I would EVER get a tattoo, of all things ...(lots of muttering) Bek said it was a stamp of approval, nothing more. So really, a tattoo... on me is just a ridiculous thought. Imagine: ME, good ol' conservative mom with a tattoo ...
Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 16, 2008 1:36:00 PM
Fine, if you would like me to refer to it as a permanent stamp I will... I think I am going to get the state of Oklahoma tattooed across my buns. It would be quit a surprise for Aaron!
By the way, I do like it. Your tattoo, not my OK tat, actually... I just might do it...
sejgirl, at Wednesday, April 16, 2008 6:06:00 PM
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