Trip to DC Part 2
Here is a little of what I experienced in DC yesterday.
The National Art Museum is overwhelming. There is so much to see, we rarely stopped walking just so we could see most of the art.
This is a statue of Mercury in the National Art Museum.
For Valentine's Weekend, this is the G-rated version of Cupid playing Wheel of Fortune. (Beck and Heidi, what do you think of my graphic design skills?)
I told Aaron that the reflective pool was only about a half inch deep. He said it was more like 18 inches. I showed him who was right. Unfortunately, it wasn't me...
I would love to tour the White House one day. Sometimes some of the platoons here get the opportunity to visit just before graduation. However, it sounds like we are going for a run instead.
DC at night is really peaceful and allows for one to simply think about the past and where we've come from.
There was something about the quiet of night that was moving when visiting the WWII and Vietnam Memorials.
We still remember the sacrifices made...
Your graphic design skills are good.
Scroggy, at Tuesday, February 19, 2008 4:12:00 PM
The pics are awesome.
Scroggy, at Tuesday, February 19, 2008 4:12:00 PM
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