
Friday, October 09, 2009

Return from the Mojave

I've decided I don't like sand. This may prove to be a minor issue in the next few months, but I am sure I will learn to deal with it.

So, I spent the last month in the desert and am trying to figure out why anyone would purposely move out there. It started out blazing hot. Wearing a 32lb vest everywhere made for even more fun in the sun. I was drinking gallons of water a day and was pretty sure I was going to have a heat stroke any time I wondered into a port-a-john. This, fortunately, was rare as I would usually sweat out everything I put in. Actually, desert survival tip 132 I learned this month-in the desert you literally dry out from the inside out. You can feel it.

Then, the first day of October there was a sand storm and after that, it was in the 40s every night and I was freezing! There may have been some poor planning on my part since I didn't bring much in the way of warming layers. And somehow, I ended up sleeping outside on the three coldest nights out there.

And of course, some pictures:

The shower had three working shower heads.

No haircuts in the bathroom

Hydration chart

Home sweet home


  • Okay, yeah.....I can see why you would not like this environment and that's just from a picture, I wasn't even there! I find the "No Haircuts" instruction interesting. It must have been a problem at one time....

    By Blogger Janae, at Tuesday, October 13, 2009 6:42:00 AM  

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