Here I Go, Getting all Political Again...
Weird... I took a politics test and this is me. Who knew?
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Of course, now I must analize myself. I feel I am considered a "Social Moderate" because I feel that the goverment should stay out of people's business. If the government starts regulating everything and making laws for everything, we won't have any freedoms. I think it's stupid that people are protesting the war in Iraq, but I believe they totally have the right to do it. Prayer in school? I'd rather not have the government telling me how to pray and to whom I should pray. Should students have the right to pray? Absolutely! We need to protect our freedom of freedom of speech. Unfortunately, regulations such as "church and state" are taken too far. Go back to the original reference from the New Year's Eve letter written by Thomas Jefferson regarding the "Wall of separation." It has NOTHING to do with today's interpretation.
I feel government should only be used to protect life and innocence. People need to be responsible for their needs and provisions. Back in the day, people cared for their neighbors in need, not the government. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the government is evil. It's just bureaucracy that gets in the way. The best plans and best ideas have to go through so many people they end up snowballing into these huge sets of rules and regulations. Sometimes, these rules end up taking away rights. It stinks.
But it would stink more if our government disappeared. Those who depend on subsidies would be put in a pretty bad spot. I would hope friends, neighbors and churches would help people out, but I am sure it would take time. Smaller government should be a gradual process. And of course it should be :...of the people, by the people, and for the people..."
As for being an Economic Moderate. Hey, you make money, great! You lose it or don't earn it. I'm not paying for it...Be responsible, be charitable. Help those in need get back on their feet. As the old saying goes, teach a child to fish rather than just giving them fish.
Okay, stopping now... thanks for reading my rants...
You are a Social Moderate (55% permissive) and an... Economic Moderate (56% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
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Of course, now I must analize myself. I feel I am considered a "Social Moderate" because I feel that the goverment should stay out of people's business. If the government starts regulating everything and making laws for everything, we won't have any freedoms. I think it's stupid that people are protesting the war in Iraq, but I believe they totally have the right to do it. Prayer in school? I'd rather not have the government telling me how to pray and to whom I should pray. Should students have the right to pray? Absolutely! We need to protect our freedom of freedom of speech. Unfortunately, regulations such as "church and state" are taken too far. Go back to the original reference from the New Year's Eve letter written by Thomas Jefferson regarding the "Wall of separation." It has NOTHING to do with today's interpretation.
I feel government should only be used to protect life and innocence. People need to be responsible for their needs and provisions. Back in the day, people cared for their neighbors in need, not the government. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the government is evil. It's just bureaucracy that gets in the way. The best plans and best ideas have to go through so many people they end up snowballing into these huge sets of rules and regulations. Sometimes, these rules end up taking away rights. It stinks.
But it would stink more if our government disappeared. Those who depend on subsidies would be put in a pretty bad spot. I would hope friends, neighbors and churches would help people out, but I am sure it would take time. Smaller government should be a gradual process. And of course it should be :...of the people, by the people, and for the people..."
As for being an Economic Moderate. Hey, you make money, great! You lose it or don't earn it. I'm not paying for it...Be responsible, be charitable. Help those in need get back on their feet. As the old saying goes, teach a child to fish rather than just giving them fish.
Okay, stopping now... thanks for reading my rants...
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