When It Rains...
...it pours! We just got our Project Management class which of course came with a project. I'm group leader (Sit on the end of the row, get group leader...) and our project numbers are completely messed up-47 days to build a .8 mile gravel road...glad this is just pass/fail. Somehow, I have to sell this project to my instructor tomorrow. I'm not good at selling something I don't believe in. At least this is not for a grade.
Remember we don't believe in the umbrella of eternal security, but we do trust in the One who sets our feet on solid rock. Also are you expecting a certified letter? got notice for one I'll pick up Monday. I'm driving "Bettiboop" Buick today to exercise her wheels. I'll put on her new Marthasville sticker too. She'll enjoy the attention. "talked to Bekko" last night. she hopes you are both doing well. My #'s look much better - triglycerides down to 150's! (instead of 376) I pulled or tore a left medial muscle in my right calf. That smarts. Ice helps but doesn't last long.
Tell Aaron Charlie asked me if I knew a new Jerusalem song, not the one in the hymn book but in England. I was proud to say yes, EL&P have one and we are going to sing it Sunday night. gotta go. luv you bunches, mum
Anonymous, at Saturday, August 16, 2008 1:58:00 PM
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