
Monday, August 22, 2005

First Day of School...

Today was the first day of classes at the college where I work. And yes, I would like to emphasize the word "COLLEGE." I received this phone call this morning:

ME: Registar's Office. Can I help you?
Mom: My daughter is late for her very first class. She just called me from her car in the parking lot. She said traffic was bad and she just couldn't get there on time. Do I need to let her teacher know?
ME: I'm sure her professor won't mind if she's late. She can explain what happened at the end of class.
Mom: Oh, she's coming home. She was crying and I told her to come home and I'd make her a chocolate milk shake. Her next class isn't for another 2 hours and I don't think she should be alone.
ME: If she would like, she can speak with a counselor, or she can go to The Learning Center, or Library.
Mom: No,no... She's very upset. She just needs to come home and get a chocolate milkshake.

Can you make me one too?


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