
Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Aaron and I moved into our apartment about a month ago. I thought I would share some pics. It's still a work in progress, but we love it!

Our kitchen overlooks the living room area.

More of the kitchen...

Awesome mixer!

Our washer and dryer with Baci's food and water between them.

Baci and her gold medallion.


More bathroom with Aaron's art on the wall.

The throne.

I love having a window in the bedroom. Okay, after living in a basement for 2 years, I would will take any sunshine I can get.

Love the ceiling fan and Aaron's art.

Aaron's computer...

Wall art between our kitchen and living area.

Aaron and his mom who brought us Dairy Queen ice cream sandwiches tonight. Come on over anytime Mary-Ann!

This victrola was Aaron's grandparents. It still works! It was built sometime around 1920.

Oh, if you happen to drop by, you can't miss us. We are the ones will the welcome mat that says, "LEAVE." Never let your husband purchase your welcome mat...


  • Hey Girl! It looks great! Congrats! I am so happy for you two. Now Shawn and I can come stay with you! : ) haha So is Aaron home now? Is he done with the training? How is work going? Well, speaking of work..., I better get back to work. Talk to you later! LOVE YA!

    Kristy Rea

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, September 14, 2006 7:13:00 AM  

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