
Sunday, October 19, 2008

For My Midwestern Family and Friends

Just thought I'd share the amazingness of the ocean with you on this beautiful Sunday.

Don't think it's all fun and games here, this course has definitely aged me about 30 years. Well, actually, that's a dead sting ray.

That's me, aged about 30 years in three months (note grey hairs) and enjoying my few free moments away with the sea.

Just two more weeks and I will home. And yes, I would trade the entire ocean to be with my family and friends. However, it is a close second... :)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

No Sleep Tonight

We're getting to the final weeks of classes which means it's crunch time. We've got a presentation each week from now until we graduate. We brief tomorrow, but we won't get our assignment until late this afternoon. Yea, all-nighter! I'm thinking caffeine might be in my near future.