
Friday, October 28, 2005


As much as I enjoy college administration, I realize that I miss teaching. I don't know... Maybe if I actually had a teaching job it would straighten me out and I would realize I hate it. Most new teachers are burned out by their 3rd year. I think there is a part of me that still wants to meet that challenge. I did spend four years of my life working toward becoming a teacher.
I was visiting some websites of the school district where I student taught. I the people there are a lot of what I miss. I spent 4 years with the America Reads program, student teaching, and finally subbing there. But then again, I think there is a reason I am an Associate Registrar today rather than a teacher. I definately never thought I would be doing this, but I do love it.

Registrar Camp Part II

Registrar Camp was great! I learned a ton about the field and realized that the issues in my office are shared with many others. I felt like everyone at the conference (at least the ones who actually came to the meetings) really love what they are doing and are happy to share info with others. I felt comfortable being a newbee with those who have been in the profession longer than I have been alive!
I also thought it was interesting that the Registrars of 4 year institutions have a lot of the same problems community colleges face. Everyone is pretty upset about the bill going through the House regarding transfer practices. It pretty much undermines all the hard work behind accreditation. Not to mention freedom of choice in the college's policy. I loved getting to speak with others who are using Datatel. It sounded like we were speaking a foreign language. It's so nice to know we aren't the only ones with problems.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Registrar Camp

Tomorrow through Tuesday I will be at "Registar Camp," better known as the Missouri Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers Conference. I am looking forward to discussing different topics with Registrars from other schools. We will soon be implementing document imaging to keep our files electronically and I am anticipating a whole lot of work. It will be nice to see how others have done this. We're also having problems with online registration. I have my own opinions about how it should be done, bit it will definately be nice to hear how others have successfully set up this process.
I feel like such a grown up.

I Feel So Very Old!

And geeky...

Earlier, I was putting my very finely tuned Googling skills to work to find info on the school I had attended from third through eighth grade (yes, I have no life and now I have apparently resorted to stalking...) Well, nothing new in that SWCS has no official website. Technology was always on the back-burner there.

During this little trek into this former world of mine, I also realized how freaking old I am! I am 10 years older than some high schoolers! ACK!!!!!!!! No wonder most seem so immature!
My next geeky trip down memory lane will be to find out what my "homies" (NW OKC Home Schoolers) are doing. I will probably have to use some of my more advanced Googling skills on this one...

Thursday, October 20, 2005


A coworker sent this link today: Family Watchdog. This site maps out sex offenders near you, states their names, offenses they were charged with, and some even have pictures. It's kind of creepy to know how many people are out there. What's worse, is that they seem to all live near schools!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ten Weeks

Aaron will be shipping out to either Basic Training or Officer Candidate School in just about 10 weeks. He is still putting everything he has into his workouts. Thursday, he has another Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and is taking the Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB) to see if he qualifies for any aviation jobs.
November 14th is the last date he can get everything together for his packet he will be presenting to the Officer Selection Board. He's got everything ready, but he is definately going to take advantage of one more PFT. He's really shooting for the 250s.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Since our 5K Aaron and I have run twice. Monday, we ran our usual 5 miles. Only this time we ran it in 46:20! The fastest I have ever run a five miler was in 52 minutes. I couldn't believe it! I think we are starting to make a breakthrough with our speed. We've have been doing five milers for about 2 months now. I think our bodies are finally getting used to the distance. At the end of my run, I still had enough energy left to seriously pick up my pace at the end (about an 8 minute mile).
Today, I ran 3 miles in 26:42. This is also my fastest time yet. Granted, it is only 9 seconds faster. My goal is to reach the 24s by May. I've got my work cut out for me.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Race Day!

I was so nervous this morning! Today I ran my first 5K. About 300 people competed. It was really cold. I have been training in the heat for three months and between my last training run, Wednesday, and today the tempature dropped at least 40 degrees. I ran a 28:35. This is definately not my best time. I've run 3 miles in 26:51, so I conceivibly could have shaved a minute off. However, I figured for my very first race I should concentrate on pacing myself (maybe I was pacing myself a little too well). My goal going into this race was to be at the bottom of the top 3rd. I made it! At least in my age division.
Aaron did AWESOME!!! He placed 3rd in his age division. We entered this race hoping to get a little motivation for our training. We went to the award ceremony to see what type of people won races. We didn't expect anything. Aaron and I both freaked out when his name was called!
Here are the full results.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Tomorrow is the day! My first 5K! This is my very first race. I am really excited, but so nervous! I've been training since late June. That was about the time I was first able to run 30 minutes without stopping to walk. I feel I have come a long way. I have been running 10-12 miles a week for about the last 6 weeks. My last run was Wednesday. At this point, extra training won't make a difference. I am as ready as I'll ever be...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

In Memory of My Mom

November 19, 1946-October 6, 2000

The last five years have not been easy, but your memories and love have brought me through. I love you, Mom.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.


It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

-Phillip Bliss 1876

My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. (Exodus 33:14)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My Glue Rock

I picked up a rock during recess not too far into fourth grade. Everyday during Language I would secretly squeeze glue on the rock snuggly hidden in my desk. By then end of the year, my rock was pretty huge and really smooth, but remained undiscovered.

One afternoon in fifth grade, I was having trouble on a geography test. Our desks were in groups of 4 and we would get points for our teams that I am sure went to some fantastically sugarfied prize. I was really digging at my paper with my pink erasor when Sasha Bradely freaked out and told Mrs. D. I was throwing stuff on her desk! She would do anything to have our team win that prize. It was sorta like Survivor, looking back... To bad it wasn't fourth grade. I would have thrown my glue rock right between her eyes!

Pregnant Student

A student called Financial Aid yesterday to ask how to drop classes (obviously, the wrong office-but I will move beyond that thought). She told Fin Aid that she went to the doctor that morning for a physical that morning and he told her she was pregnant. NINE months pregnant! She's due any day! My word! I would be so freaked out. I am still trying to figure out how she didn't know. I can understand a few months (not that I know from personal experience), but aren't there some pretty funky changes going on with the body after the first couple of trimesters?

Here I Go, Getting all Political Again...

Weird... I took a politics test and this is me. Who knew?

You are a

Social Moderate
(55% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate
(56% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

It's pretty cool. Check it out at OKCupid

Of course, now I must analize myself. I feel I am considered a "Social Moderate" because I feel that the goverment should stay out of people's business. If the government starts regulating everything and making laws for everything, we won't have any freedoms. I think it's stupid that people are protesting the war in Iraq, but I believe they totally have the right to do it. Prayer in school? I'd rather not have the government telling me how to pray and to whom I should pray. Should students have the right to pray? Absolutely! We need to protect our freedom of freedom of speech. Unfortunately, regulations such as "church and state" are taken too far. Go back to the original reference from the New Year's Eve letter written by Thomas Jefferson regarding the "Wall of separation." It has NOTHING to do with today's interpretation.

I feel government should only be used to protect life and innocence. People need to be responsible for their needs and provisions. Back in the day, people cared for their neighbors in need, not the government. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the government is evil. It's just bureaucracy that gets in the way. The best plans and best ideas have to go through so many people they end up snowballing into these huge sets of rules and regulations. Sometimes, these rules end up taking away rights. It stinks.

But it would stink more if our government disappeared. Those who depend on subsidies would be put in a pretty bad spot. I would hope friends, neighbors and churches would help people out, but I am sure it would take time. Smaller government should be a gradual process. And of course it should be :...of the people, by the people, and for the people..."

As for being an Economic Moderate. Hey, you make money, great! You lose it or don't earn it. I'm not paying for it...Be responsible, be charitable. Help those in need get back on their feet. As the old saying goes, teach a child to fish rather than just giving them fish.

Okay, stopping now... thanks for reading my rants...

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Last Days of Summer (even though it's fall)

I ran five miles today, my first five miler by myself. It was definately still warm and humid. Oh, so very humid! I did a 52:09. My five milers are my easy pace days so I'm okay with that speed.
The leaves are gradually starting to change and as I was gazing into the glimpses of the sun setting between the towering trees I couldn't help but think how much I am going to miss summer. I've really been enjoying running and will miss being able to run outside when everything is an iced over winter wonder land. It's also been a good time spend with God too. I run and pray that I will make it to the next mile... I also pray for my family and friends. I hope that the close of this season does not mean the close of this chapter of my life until spring. But I guess we will see.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I moved in the middle of preschool and wouldn't you know, that was when we were supposed to memorize our phone numbers? Always thinking, I memorized my new phone number since I was five and hadn't really had a reason to memorize my old number. Mrs. Rund told me that was incorrect, and lets just say that was my first argument with a teacher. Later on that year, I got a sad-face on my report card in cutting with scissors. I've never recovered.


I honestly hope this is just what it is and not an attempted terrorist attack gone wrong. I remember hearing/feeling the Murrah blast and though this was on a much smaller scale, I am sure many fans in that stadium knew that sound all too well.


NORMAN, Okla. -- An explosion outside of Oklahoma Memorial Stadium claimed the life of one person in what OU President David Boren characterized as an "individualized suicide." The blast happened late in the second quarter of the Sooners' game against Kansas State University.

Officials say the bomb detonated 100 yards west of the stadium near the George Lynn Cross Hall, Botany-Microbiology Building. Explosive experts brought in bomb dogs and located a second device, which was later safely detonated.

Some 84,000 fans were not allowed to leave the game until late in the 4th quarter, after another sweep of the building. The bomb squad also swept the stadium before the game began and found no explosives inside. No one inside the stadium was injured.

Despite the circumstances, the fans remained calm. "It sounded like two explosions very close together," stated one person who heard the blast. "The seats rattled a little bit. We didn't know anything until the game was over."

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Norman Police, OU Police, and the State Homefront Security Team are investigating. So far, the person killed in the explosion has not been identified. No other suspects have yet been named.

A police bomb squad detonated explosives found at the site of the blast. The area near the stadium was searched by bomb dogs. NewsChannel 4 confirms an individual committed suicide using an explosive device. That person detonated one bomb west of the stadium while police detonated a second bomb nearby.

OU President Boren Issued a statemnt on bombing event during OU vs. KSU football game:

We are apparently dealing with an individual suicide which is under full investigation. At no time was anyone in the stadium in danger. Law enforcement officers and bomb experts on site were activated in the area immediately. As soon as the area was secured and the area was sealed, President Boren ordered a through search of the garage area near the stadium by trained bomb detection teams including bomb-sniffing dogs.

A further search of the areas on the lower levels outside the stadium yielded a second device which was found during the search and which has been detonated. Pass-Outs were suspended during the half-time for security reasons in order to enhance safety for the fans.

President Boren, who is convalescing, has been in continuous contact with law enforcement personnel throughout this period.

Perceptions about Independence (reflections coming back from my sociology classes)

While living in my in-laws' basement the last year, I have noticed that people tend to be surprised when I tell them about our living arrangements. I don't have a high paying job, but it's not low paying either. I get paid about the same as a "somewhat new to the field" teacher. Since Aaron does not have a job as to date, living with his parents has been a helpful option. Our only monitary payments are going to groceries, gas, student loans, and our retirement program.
Many people who have read up to this point will instantly think we are freeloaders. In fact, I year ago, I would have thought that. I actually still have difficulty not judging others in similar situations. I do not like hand outs and feel that Aaron and I work for out shelter. We cook, clean, shop for groceries, and do odd jobs such as painting. Writing this, I feel like I am trying to justify our arrangement. I am not. I paid for college myself, as did Aaron. We lived on our own for five and six years and in that, I feel the adjustment back to "dependency" has been even more difficult. My friend Angela (any time I talk with her I end up really long winded)spent a year in South Korea and sees how much our American culture plays into being independent. In asia, as well as other cultures, it is well known that families live together in clans or simply intergenational groups beyond the typical American "nuclear" family. I wonder if it comes from our beginnings as a nation. Our fight to be "free" and "independent" from Britain? I'm sure there has been a study on it. I will have to do some research...