
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

With Fins On

Okay, so maybe no fins... But, I did my swim yesterday to replace my run since I am paranoid about injuring my Achillies. I swam 30 minutes switching strokes every ten "laps." This is no Olympic-sized pool. I swam every stroke I know. So, I rotated a lot since I only know three. It's nice that my in-laws have a pool in their backyard. I was all over the place! But, it was a great work out. I could totally feel my quads this morning.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

He's In!

Aaron is on his way to enlist in the Marine Reserve this evening. He's BUMED (medical tests) regarding his blood pressure came back with the "okay." This is something he has been praying about for a while. It just seems like nothing has been working out this past year for him. We weren't sure this was going to either. The metal plate in his leg and his high BP could have easily held him back. But the door remained open.
It is scary. I know things can happen in the Marines. It's no cakewalk and he could be shipped out. But, when I look at it, are the odds really much worse than driving on the highway or other everyday occurances? There are no guarrantees about how long you life will be. So, you've go to be willing to go where you are called. This is it for Aaron. I know he will do great and this will be the challenge of his life! I'm excited for him .

Monday, August 29, 2005

And Now for Plan 'B'...

So, I went for my second four-miler with Aaron this afternoon and had some serious tightness in my right calf 3 miles in. A couple times I felt a sharp pain and decided I needed to walk. The rest of my body was pumped to keep going, but I thought it would be better to walk than run for a while and have Aaron have to carry me back to the car. That last mile seemed to take forever!

Anyway, it looks like my schedule for this week will be getting some revision. I'm replacing my runs with swimming and cycling. I want to keep my heart rate up and keep the cardio part of my workout going. I'm definately not an expert, but I think laying off the running and hitting the pool will still be incredibly beneficial. I don't want to be a baby about injuries, so I'm doing whatever I can to prevent them. I will go for another run next Monday. Only six weeks left until the race and I don't want to loose any time. But if I kill my Achillies, I can totally forget about the race.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

My First Four-Miler

Yesterday, Aaron and I ran my first and his second four-mile run. There is this awesome paved trail at the Missouri River front in Wash MO. It's 2.5 miles one way, so we turned around before the last half mile. Our goal is to get to 5 miles. According to The Complete Book of Running & Fitness by Fred Lebow, runners shouldn't up their weekly mileage by more than 10%. So, I will need to wait another week before going for the 5 miles. Actually, I think I'm going to do another 4-mile week first. We were definately not going for speed (41 minutes total/10:15 miles).

I don't think I have actually mentioned this, but we are doing a 5K race (3.1 miles) October 8th. I am totally stoked about this. My goal is to finish in the top third (okay, at the bottom of the top third). To train I'm upping my mileage to about 10 miles a week, shooting for 12-15 per week by race day. So far my best mile has been 7:50. Not stellar, but the progress is amazing considering 5 months ago I thought I was going to keel over after slowly jogging for about a minute and a half.

My workout plan for next few weeks looks like this:

Monday-30 minute upper body circuits weight training in fitness center during lunch (I love working at a college). After work, easy 4/5 miles at the River Front Trail.
Tuesday-2 miles incorperating 4-6 Fartleks (I run fast until my body says slow down and recover a while; repeat)
Wednesday-30 minute weight training
Thursday-easy 3 miles at home or bike/rollerblade.
Friday-Upper body training in the fitness center. After work, speed work. I'm thinking about doing intervals. Run easy 10 minutes, then 1 minute hard/1 easy for ten minutes, then 10 minutes easy.
This is the generally plan I have for the next 7 weeks. I'll adjust with what is working for my body.
I would love to run the 5K in the 24 minute range. I guess we'll see what happens.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


During lunch today, I had a major Fartlek attack. No, silly, a Fartlek has nothing to do with the Burrito I ate; it's a running term. A Fartlek is an interval where you push your hardest from one visible point to the next. This could be running from the end of the driveway to the telephone pole down the street, or from the living room to the bathroom...when the action is necessary. Today, I ran the mile-long campus fitness path twice around with these Fartlek speed bursts several times thoughout my run. I really liked how it made my run fun! I would run an easy pace then run as fast as possible from the fire hydrant to the softball field. Then, I would go back to the former pace. It was like when I was a kid. It was freedom. I wasn't constantly checking my watch for the best time. But I could tell I gained speed. And, I could feel the power in my lift off and strength in my stride. I loved it!

When I Grow Up, I Want to be A...

Last night, I was working at the Registration Desk registering last minute (classes have already started) students. A woman in her late 30s/early 40s came to my window to register and carried on the following small talk while I processed her paperwork:

Student: So, are you in school?
Me: Oh, I graduated already...
Student: Oh? What's your major?
Me: I majored in Elementary Education.
Student: Really? So, are you going to get a job soon?

I didn't want to break it to her that I actually am getting paid in my current postion. Nor, did I want to mention that I have a Masters. Do I seriously look that young? Or, is it that my position is not looked upon as a noteworthy profession. Actually, I am certain many students feel that way. Not so much when they realize I can make or break their graduation... :) I am completely aware that I am on the bottom of ladder, but you've got to start somewhere. I am 25, I work hard. I want to work in the field of education. This is a great start (pay sucks, but benefits aren't too bad), I want to keep moving up, but unless I get that "big break" it won't happen over night.

Monday, August 22, 2005

First Day of School...

Today was the first day of classes at the college where I work. And yes, I would like to emphasize the word "COLLEGE." I received this phone call this morning:

ME: Registar's Office. Can I help you?
Mom: My daughter is late for her very first class. She just called me from her car in the parking lot. She said traffic was bad and she just couldn't get there on time. Do I need to let her teacher know?
ME: I'm sure her professor won't mind if she's late. She can explain what happened at the end of class.
Mom: Oh, she's coming home. She was crying and I told her to come home and I'd make her a chocolate milk shake. Her next class isn't for another 2 hours and I don't think she should be alone.
ME: If she would like, she can speak with a counselor, or she can go to The Learning Center, or Library.
Mom: No,no... She's very upset. She just needs to come home and get a chocolate milkshake.

Can you make me one too?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My Scores

I've been following my husband's fitness routines and charting my progress against his sacred Marine Physical Fitness Test chart. Here's how I am doing so far:

Crunches: 88
Flex Arm Hang: 30 seconds (yes, I suck)
3 Mile Run: 27:40 Minutes

This would give me a score of 180 out of a possible 300. Not horrible, but there is definate room for improvement!

My husband has also introduced a new routine in his regimen:

2 min (max set of crunches)
2 min rest
1 min (max set of crunches)
1 min rest
30 sec (max set of crunches)

I did as follows:


I totally whooped him! And just in case you ever wondered, yes you can get blisters on your butt!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The End of HP 6 (pretty much don't read if you haven't finished the book)

Okay, so I haven't been blogging for three weeks because I've been in mourning ever since finishing "The Half-Blood Prince." Dumbledore can't be DEAD! I refuse to believe it! Nor, do I believe that Snape killed him (well, I guess there might be some incriminating evidence toward that, but I feel it was in Dumbledore's plan).
I think Dumbledore will come back to life. After all, he was so close to Fawks, his Phoenix. And regarding Snape, Dumbledore always said that he put his complete confidence in Snape. I think we will find out why in the next book. I know a lot of fans are thiking Harry was right about Snape all along, but I am a Dumbledore girl, though and through.

He's In (possibly...)

My husband just found out today that the metal plate in his leg will not keep him out of the Marines. He is elated! The only thing that could be holding him back now is his blood pressure. It is apparently a bit high (140/80) It's up to some doctors in Wash DC now.
Aaron is hoping to be commissioned as an officer. He has to get references and meet some pretty strenous requirements. The review board will meet in November. At that time(pending the BP outcome), Aaron will learn if he is a candidate. He would then go to Officer Candidate School. This would last 10 weeks.
I must say, it will be tough to be away from him, but this is something he really wants to do. It is pretty exciting.