
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Too long...

Stupid allergies (I didn't have allergies before moving to MO) have kept me from running for three weeks! I have been running on the treadmills at the fitness center at work, but it's impossible to get a long run in when you can only sign up to use the treadmills for 20 minutes. My speed has surprisingly not demised into nothingness on these 20 minute runs (usually 7 1/2-8 minute mile pace) , but I know losing my base mileage will eventually destroy any speed I do have.

So, I set out on a one mile trek to the Katy Trail and began my five miler, braving the yellow pollen floating gracefully down from the trees gently finding it's way into my sinuses. I have to say it was a beautiful day. I started out at a 9 minute mile pace, hoping to complete my run in 45 minutes. My pace slowed about a mile and a half in, as I realized my Wall-itin (I'm cheap) seemed defenseless against the dust-like enemy. I cleared my throat and continued, turning around at 2 1/2 miles (23:20).

I got a crazy stitch in my side just as I began my return home. I slowed a little and totally thought my oatmeal was going to end up paving part of the trail. I gave in to my body's demand to slow down only because there were kids on bikes not far from me and I figured their parents wouldn't be thrilled with cruising through my breakfast. I walk half I mile and began picking up my pace. By my last half mile I was back at my starting pace. I was disappointed with my 55:50, but I realized I just need to get back into my routine. It's amazing how quickly you lose your endurance. Stupid allergies...

Monday, May 15, 2006

Poor Kitty

While carrying a basket full of dirty laundry to the washing machine while also on the phone yesterday, I stepped on my baby girl! I felt so horrible! I was talking to Aaron on the phone at the time and told him what had just happened, but he could not see the extent of the incident, so he was not too terribly concerned.

When I stepped on Baci, she got up really fast. Now she has a bald spot... :(

And that's just an illusion of Baci on the counter top. We don't allow her on the counters...usually... Well, I'm guessing I won't be having many dinner guests now.

Poor Kitty!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What the Carp?

Okay, really bad pun... but check out the size of this thing at the St. Louis Botanical Gardens. He is bigger than a duck! And got into a pretty good fight with him over some food too!

Yup, this is where Aaron and I spent his last day of leave on Monday. Too much fun and the gardens are beautiful!


Aaron became one of the few and the proud on April 21st. I am so proud of him. After a 10 day leave, he set of yesterday for his first duty station: Marine Combat Training. MCT is required of all non-infantry Marines. "Every Marine is, first and foremost, a Rifleman" This will last three weeks, then he is off to his Military Occupation Specialty school for another month.

Becoming a Marine!

Hotel Company's Motovational Run on Visitor's Day! Aaron ran by me twice and I did not see him. Finally, his cousin pointed him out to me!

This is definately not the most flattering pic of either of us, but it is still cute in it's own way.

Factoid #1: Battle Combat Glasses are dubbed "Birth Control Glasses" for a reason.
Factoid #2: Wearing all white is not very flattering to my figure. And I think I need to adjust the strap on the camera too. It really doesn't hang in the best spot...