Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Haha! So much for two workouts a day. One is all that is happening right now. I'm not motivated enough to get up early and every night there is always some new issue with my unit. I need to run more just to relieve this stress! Grrrrr... Maybe today was just a bad day...
Still Frustrated...
Our reserve unit and active duty component don't see eye to eye which is resulting in a lot of added stress and wild emails during this current planning period. I spend hours each evening working on something and submit it. The next morning, the active duty side will tell me it's wrong and will pull out a better plan/roster/order etc that is already done. So why did I have to do it in the first place?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I have it... Just spent 2-3 hours each night the last few weeks on some documents for my reserve unit to have it all shot down in one phone call. Grrrrrr!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Growing up the definition of "gossip" was the Prayer Chain at my church. So-n-so was having some type of problem and it would be passed down the chain so everyone would know about it and at least in theory, would pray for the need. Often, my friend Angie and I would call it the Gossip Chain as our mothers' would spend more time on the phone talking about the "need" than praying on some occasions.
I have really been struggling with gossip lately and putting others down. I work with someone who has a personality that is completely different from mine. She is extremely sensitive and dramatic. Not too long ago, she had learned how to do one of my jobs that she will be in charge of while I am at my next school. I guess she thought as soon as she was trained that it was her responsibility. I told her I was capable of doing my job until I left for school. I guess it cut her pretty deep. She didn't talk to me for a week after that.
I thought it was funny. I told others about the incident and we made light of this co-worker's other dramas as well. There is some funny stuff that happens. But, some things that I have been said have been down-right rude. I never would have said things like this in the past. I kept issues to myself. I acted like an adult. I don't know why I have become what I am and I hate what I have become.
It's anything but living a Christ-like example and it's a struggle each day. Today was especially bad. The coworker I joke with is not a Christian and I doubt she thinks I am. Gossip has to be one of the most destructive means to the body of Christ. It tears others down. It is a reflection of a lack of acknowledgment of God. I just hope it's not too late to repair what's been damaged.
I have really been struggling with gossip lately and putting others down. I work with someone who has a personality that is completely different from mine. She is extremely sensitive and dramatic. Not too long ago, she had learned how to do one of my jobs that she will be in charge of while I am at my next school. I guess she thought as soon as she was trained that it was her responsibility. I told her I was capable of doing my job until I left for school. I guess it cut her pretty deep. She didn't talk to me for a week after that.
I thought it was funny. I told others about the incident and we made light of this co-worker's other dramas as well. There is some funny stuff that happens. But, some things that I have been said have been down-right rude. I never would have said things like this in the past. I kept issues to myself. I acted like an adult. I don't know why I have become what I am and I hate what I have become.
It's anything but living a Christ-like example and it's a struggle each day. Today was especially bad. The coworker I joke with is not a Christian and I doubt she thinks I am. Gossip has to be one of the most destructive means to the body of Christ. It tears others down. It is a reflection of a lack of acknowledgment of God. I just hope it's not too late to repair what's been damaged.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Early Birthday Present
Heidi and I cleaned Mary-Ann's car as an early birthday present.
Don't worry M-A, we're not sucking up to you because the house is a wreck. Well, maybe... :) See you Tuesday!
Don't worry M-A, we're not sucking up to you because the house is a wreck. Well, maybe... :) See you Tuesday!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Twice a Day
It's two months from today that I start my next school. I'm trying to get into shape as my school is supposed to be PT (Physical Training) intensive. I've been working out during my lunch break everyday, but I really haven't seen any improvements over the last 6 weeks. My biggest challenge is my run time. My last timed 3 mile run was 25:20 which is apparently dirt slow. I know I can run faster, but it's just not happening.
So, I thought I would up my base mileage and the easiest way to do this is to workout at lunch and then again when I get off work. Today, I did a two-mile fartlek run during lunch with various exercises at each quarter mile. This afternoon, I inline-skated five miles. Next week, I will be working on our satellite campus, so I will have to workout before work rather than at lunch as they do not have a gym or locker rooms (Not sure I would be doing anyone a favor by not taking a shower). I'll check in a few weeks to see is my run time improves. We'll see if I am motivated enough to start getting up at 0500 again!
So, I thought I would up my base mileage and the easiest way to do this is to workout at lunch and then again when I get off work. Today, I did a two-mile fartlek run during lunch with various exercises at each quarter mile. This afternoon, I inline-skated five miles. Next week, I will be working on our satellite campus, so I will have to workout before work rather than at lunch as they do not have a gym or locker rooms (Not sure I would be doing anyone a favor by not taking a shower). I'll check in a few weeks to see is my run time improves. We'll see if I am motivated enough to start getting up at 0500 again!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008

I haven't celebrated Mother's Day in 8 years. Ever since my mother passed away in 2000, I haven't wanted to be reminded about what I've lost.
I still remember the day she died. I remember holding her in my arms and her not looking back. I remember feeling the life leave her body in one instant. In that moment I felt like I had come full circle. She had brought me into the world and I was there as she left it.
I often dreamed that she was still alive soon after her death. It's rarer these days, but I sometimes feel like she is still here. That she is a part of my life. And maybe she is through my sister and I. We are her legacy. I hope we use our lives to benefit others as she did. I hope through us she will live on through future generations.

Friends and Chocolate
Camille, one of my college roommates came down from KC to visit this weekend.
As with every visit, we start with a chocolate weigh-in.
Cami brought in 20 lbs!
Every holiday was covered from Christmas, to Easter, to Valentine's Day, and even Breast Cancer Awareness.
With a little creativity and a few chick flicks, we turned our passion for chocolate into art.
Heidi helped us coordinate colors.
I picked out all the broken pieces...
...and ate a few.
It's a masterpiece!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Redistribution of Wealth
Am I the only one who is upset by this "Economic Stimulus" epidemic? Everyone seems to think getting some extra cash is great, but it's totally just a pretty way of saying redistribution of wealth. It's Socialism! Why does everyone think the government owes them something for simply being alive? The state needs to get their hands out of all these pockets and defend it's people, protect our rights, and uphold the law. That's all.
Last month we ran a company wide drug test and had one individual "pop" positive for cocaine. We NJPed (Non-Judicial Punishment)him this month. Rumors were going around the company that another individual did not get caught, so we locked down the compound and closed the gate so no one could leave until everyone completed a drug test. We waited an hour on one Marine who had a bad case of stage fright.
In the Marine Corps, drug tests are conducted by standing in line forever while drinking large amounts of water. Then, by the time it's your turn, your bladder is about to explode. You are given a small container and instructed to show it is empty before a verifier leads you to the head (restroom) while you carry the bottle over your right shoulder. Once in the head, the observer watches you fill the bottle.
I am going to be a pro at urinalysis the way things are going. Two drug tests in a month and Friday I did a preg test for my annual Well Woman Fun appointment-though no observer for that. I haven't gotten the official results to all my tests yet, but I am pretty sure they're all negative...
In the Marine Corps, drug tests are conducted by standing in line forever while drinking large amounts of water. Then, by the time it's your turn, your bladder is about to explode. You are given a small container and instructed to show it is empty before a verifier leads you to the head (restroom) while you carry the bottle over your right shoulder. Once in the head, the observer watches you fill the bottle.
I am going to be a pro at urinalysis the way things are going. Two drug tests in a month and Friday I did a preg test for my annual Well Woman Fun appointment-though no observer for that. I haven't gotten the official results to all my tests yet, but I am pretty sure they're all negative...