I've been working out about 5 times a week since January trying to get/stay in shape. I haven't had any weight problems since Jr. High school, but I wouldn't say I was in fabulous shape. In February, I was running a 18 minute mile. Not too good. In fact, I was doing 13 in third grade if I recall...
So, now that Aaron is planning on joining the Marines, I have really made an effort to get into shape. Honestly, I have always wanted to join the military myself. I am still thinking about it. I am not completely sure how well a couple would do in the military, but I would be determined to make it work. At this point, Aaron is considering the Reserves and is hoping that he would be commissioned as an officer. This is what I would like to do as well. I'm just not sure about how my employer would feel about me leaving for 13 weeks for Basic Training. I know that they cannot fire me, but I think they would be less than thrilled. At this point, it's just a dream of mine. But I would love to challenge myself and serve my country as one of the few and the proud.
Anyway, to my run. I am now at 28:30 minutes for 3 miles. My current goal is to move that to 27 minutes. I can do the Flexed Arm Hang for 35 seconds and do 80 crunches in 2 minutes. I really want to work on my upper-body strength. I definately could use some help there.
The Marines have a
point system to rate a soldier's fitness level. I definately could do better, but I am not completely out of shape. I can't believe that I have cut my time in half in only 6 months! My friend Nicole has been running the same plan I have for just 2 months now and is making some awesome improvements! Here it is:
Week 1: (run 2 min, walk 4 min) x 5
Week 2: (run 3 min, walk 3 min) x 5
Week 3: (run 5 min, walk 2.5 min) x 4
Week 4: (run 7 min, walk 3 min) x 3
Week 5: (run 8 min, walk 2 min) x 3
Week 6: (run 9 min, walk 2 min) x 2 + run 8 min
Week 7: (run 9 min, walk 1 min) x 3
Week 8: (run 13 min, walk 2 min) x 2
Week 9: (run 14 min, walk 1 min) x 2
Week 10: (run 30 min)